Hot off the press
Mongrel Dogs of the Scenic Rim
Together they stopped an invasion.
Farmers, tourism operators, townsfolk, environmentalists and businesspeople - the everyday folk of a local community
stepped out of their comfort zones to say no to coal mines and gasfields. Some were arrested. Some were fined. Some were
dragged through the courts. Everyone’s lives were changed.
This is the story of the people of the Scenic Rim, who in 2011 courageously defended their homes and farms, and their
wildly beautiful land, from government and mining companies intent on industrialising the south-east Queensland countryside.
Through evocative photographs, paintings and personal narratives, Mongrel Dogs brings alive the evolving journey from
peaceful citizen to activist. It’s more than just the story of what happened - it’s also a collection of behind-the-scenes
insights and sometimes vulnerable personal accounts, weaving together the strands of this memorable and important community stand.
This is a celebration of human connection and a fierce desire to protect what we love. A book to buy, to keep, to pass along,
and to inspire others to stand up for all that is good in this world.
Mongrel Dogs of the Scenic Rim covers a topic very dear to my heart - a period of several years, around 2011-12, where I lived
and breathed our community fight.
Writing a book wasn’t something I thought I’d do, but in late May 2023 I realised that so much of the colour and inspirational
detail of our historic people’s stand was being forgotten. My initial reluctance to return to a time which was also so personally
challenging quickly gave way to my passion to capture the magic and triumph of what we as a community achieved.
Sifting through the photos and video footage I realised there were stories which wanted to be felt, explored and told - including
my own troubled experiences as a key organiser, who was also juggling being a mother and a wife.
Mongrel Dogs was written and crafted in two weeks, primarily to allow time for the book to be printed and included in the
community’s ‘Moving Mountains’ exhibition which also acknowledges the magnitude of what the people of the Scenic Rim achieved.
As I now look back, I’m incredibly proud of how we all pulled together. It’s a deeply intimate and moving testament to what a
group of people can do when they’re motivated by love and steadfast determination.
With more than half of our continent under some form of unconventional gas or coal mining licence, my hope is our story will
inspire change and courage in many other communities facing challenges, both here and around the world.
Printing and delivery
Mongrel Dogs' first print run is available as part of the 'Moving Mountains' exhibition at The Centre in Beaudesert until September.
I do small batch print runs to fill the orders placed directly with me. Delivery may take up
to four weeks. If you need your copy sooner please contact me and I will see what I can arrange.
Postage is free to mainland Australia. If you live anywhere else please contact me.